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What are Pituitary Tumors and how can they be treated?

Writer: Gitesh ChawlaGitesh Chawla

Tumours are the unwanted growths and they can sometimes cause issues. Pituitary is a gland in the human body that is responsible for the secretion of hormones. Important hormones are secreted by this gland. 

Due to some reasons when tumours grow in the pituitary gland then they need to be treated. They can have a large impact on the human body. Let us talk about what pituitary tumours are and how they can be treated.

Their symptoms and treatment options will help you in getting to know about pituitary tumours. Read below to have more insights about it.

Symptoms of pituitary gland tumours

Tumours can impact the functioning of the body. Some tumours enable less hormone secretion and some tumours lead to more secretion. You can check particular symptoms that are shared here.

If the tumours are leading to less hormonal secretion then the symptoms like these can occur-

  • Energy decline can be noticed.

  • Issues in arousal and other sex related desires occur.

  • Weight can fluctuate without even trying.

  • In women the symptoms can occur in the form of menstrual changes.

  • Nausea can be observed.

  • One may feel cold.

In case the tumours are causing more hormonal secretion then symptoms like these can be noticed.

  • Thicker skin is observed.

  • Facial changes can change in individuals.

  • Voice gets deeper.

  • Fertility issues in women are observed.

  • In males the size of testicles increases.

  • Testosterone level also increases. 

These are the symptoms and they can be different in different individuals on the basis of condition. Sometimes the symptoms do not occur and they are only diagnosed with help of imaging techniques. 

Some complications of Pituitary gland tumours.

Complications of these tumours also exist. The complications are shared here and you can know about them. The complications of this condition are-

  • Vision loss in individuals happens.

  • Bone loss is also observed.

  • Difficulty in thinking can occur.

  • Blood pressure elevation is a complication.

  • Heart related issues can occur.

  • Seizures may also happen.

These complications are also to be observed. Note the signs and symptoms and then get the right treatment. Observing your health closely is important. 

Some diagnosing methods for pituitary gland tumours.

The diagnosis of the tumours is to be done by different methods. The methods of diagnosis are written here. Doctor may diagnose it with help of-

  • Urine tests are performed for diagnosing the issues in the pituitary gland.

  • MRI helps in diagnosis of tumours and its growth. Good detection is done with the help of MRI.

  • CT scans are also good and they help in the right diagnosis.

  • Tests related to eyes are done for good analyses.

All these are the diagnosing methods for pituitary gland tumours. Doctors may examine the individual according to the health conditions. Find the right doctor for getting the best checkup. 

Treatment for pituitary gland tumour

The treatment options for pituitary gland tumours are various. All the treatment options are based upon the condition of the patient. Check below to know about the treatment options.

  • If the tumour is putting pressure on the brain and is showing symptoms of headache or vision issues then surgery is advised. Surgery success rate is good if done under good supervision. 

  • Radiation therapy is also done for treating the tumour. 

  • Surgeries of various types like transcranial surgery, endoscopic transcanal surgery, etc are performed.

After the surgery one may be given some medicines for speedy recovery. Some side effects of surgery also exist and that is why attention is necessary. 

Some risk factors for pituitary tumours.

Risk factors for pituitary tumours exist and they can be known. Knowing about risk factors can help in prevention. The risk factors are shared below.

  • Family history can be a risk factor of the tumours. If you have a family history of tumours then you can be at risk of tumour growth.

  • Some gene related syndrome like carney complex can also be the risk factor for pituitary tumours. 

These are the risk factors and people can prevent themselves from many types of cancers by making changes in their lifestyle. Smoking and drinking alcohol needs to be stopped. Diet related changes also need to be considered. 

These are the risk factors that are important and one needs to note them. If you have a family history of tumours then you must be extra cautious regarding health. Always take care of your health and do not ignore any signs and symptoms. 

Healthbridgestechnologies can help you in being healthy.

Healthbridgestechnologies can help you in many ways. People health app on this site can be helpful for you. Make appointments with top doctors and then discuss your issues openly. All the concepts about your health can be cleared by talking to the doctor. We are known for being the best telehealthcare service provider and you can also get in touch with us. Download the People health app now and then get the best services. You can register yourself and you can then find the doctor according to your symptoms. 

Never ignore any symptom related to your health and get in touch with the doctor immediately. Ignorance can be harmful for health. Pay attention to all the signs and symptoms so that you can monitor your health. Online doctor consultation chennai can be good for those who don't want to waste time on accomodation. Book appointments by getting People health app. 


Pituitary gland tumours can cause many different symptoms according to the condition. One needs to check the symptoms in order to get diagnosed. If you are someone who wants to know about the signs and symptoms of pituitary gland tumours then this blog is for you. Check everything about tumours in this blog. Getting the right help at the right time is necessary. Know about pituitary tumours and then understand it in detail. You can get help from People health app by downloading it. Book online telehealth appointment and then talk to the doctor. Healthbridgestechnologies can provide you with the best doctors and their guidance. Book appointments now for good help.



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