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Causes of brain tumours, treatments and prevention

Writer: Gitesh ChawlaGitesh Chawla

Updated: Oct 28, 2024

Unwanted tumours can occur due to many reasons. Tumours can impact the individual and its brain functioning. We are going to discuss brain tumours and their treatment today.

Types of brain tumours are different and they show different signs. Some tumours in the brain can travel to other parts of the body too and this can make things hard for the patient. Getting the right treatment at the right time can be good for patients.

Know more about brain tumours and how they are treated in the sections below. Signs and symptoms related to brain tumour are also shared and you can access them.

Noticeable symptoms of Brain tumours.

Symptoms of brain tumours can vary and can sometimes be normal too. The most common symptoms of brain tumours are shared here.

  • Speech problems are common.

  • One may feel tired.

  • Symptoms of nausea.

  • Problems in hearing can be noticed.

  • Weight related fluctuations are common.

  • Dizziness is also common.

  • Headache is felt by the patients of brain tumours. They might feel hard to sneeze or cough normally. 

These signs can be noticed by people who suffer from brain tumours. Sometimes people might ignore the symptoms and in that case the complications arise. Better diagnosis earlier is always good.

Some main types of brain tumours.

Brain tumours can be of different types as below:

  • Gliomas are the tumours of glial cells. They can be malignant and benign. They are known as the most common type of brain tumours.

  • Choroid plexus tumour is also the type of main brain tumour that is found in the brain and spinal cord. It is often seen in children.

  • Pineal gland related tumours occur in the centre of the brain. 

  • Nerve tumours are seen near the nerve cells.

  • Some other form of brain tumours affects patients too. They can be in different parts of the brain.

These are the main types of tumours and they can affect the health of individuals. Treatment for them can be based upon the condition of the tumour.

Different causes of brain tumours.

The main causes are.

  • Changes in DNA can cause brain tumours. Brain tumours may develop in other parts if they are malignant.

  • Hereditary reasons for brain tumours are also known. Some may carry a gene of brain tumour with them.

  • Brain tumours from a very early stage of life are harmful too. Infants may have it with them.

  • Cancer of other body parts can also spread to the brain and this can cause brain tumours.

Diagnosis and treatment at earlier stages can be helpful for recovery. Some risk factors can be known too.

Risk factors of brain tumours.

Risk factors of brain tumours tells that who can be at highest risk of having a brain tumour.

  • Age can be a factor. Tumours in the brain can be seen in mostly older people and they can affect the individuals.

  • If someone is exposed to radiation then the risk of brain tumours increases. This is the biggest risk factor of brain tumour.

  • Some inherited syndromes can be considered as the risk factor for brain tumours too.

Know about the risk factors and then understand brain tumours. Check out the treatment options for brain tumour too. In different ways the treatment can be done .

Treatment for brain tumour.

Treatment options for brain tumour are available now. The best results are seen when the treatment is started earlier. The treatment options for brain tumours are shared here.

  • Tumours can be removed with the help of surgery..

  • Radiation therapy is also recommended on some cases.

  • Radiosurgery takes help of beams and then it helps in removal of tumours.

  • Targeted therapy also removes the brain tumour.

  • Medications can also be given to patients for treatment.

Doctors choose the treatment plan for patients according to condition. One can consult a good doctor for checkups and treatment plans.

People-Health Mobile App

People-Health app provides you telehealthcare services. Get online doctor consultation from doctors available in this app. Check the symptoms and get the right doctor for getting treated. Mental health, physical health related issues can be sorted by taking guidance from the Doctors. Register yourself on the People-Health app and provide the symptoms or find the specialist related to Brain tumour. 

Treatment cost of brain tumours in India 

Treatment cost of brain tumours is completely based on the factors like location, fees of surgeon, treatment option, etc. One need to know about all these factors for determining the fee. Choose a surgeon that is skilled and experienced.

People-health app can be useful in looking for OPD (Out-Patient Department) clinics or telehealth doctor appointment too. Start registering yourself on the People Health app and then track your health for your wellness. You can read everything related to the People-Health app by downloading it. Get access to the best services. Take care of your health and of your loved ones too.


Brain tumours are of different types and they can be present due to reasons like heredity, environmental factors, etc. We have elaborated more know about their causes and treatment options. You can register yourself on the People Health App and you can book appointments with doctors. Brain tumours can be prevented by making some changes in diet and lifestyle although there is no certain way known for prevention. Get brain tumours treated with help of surgery, medications.



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